Tuesday 13 March 2012



In this lab, we have performed some basic image processing exercise by matlab. The main purpose of this lab is to :
1.       Read and display image
2.       Check how the image appears in the workspace
3.       Perform histogram equalization on the image
4.       Write the image to a disk file
5.       Get information about graphic file

Below is the commands and example output:

>>I = imread (‘pout2.png’)     % Output the array

>>Imshow(I)                          % To display image

Original   'pout2.png'

>>whos    % To see how I is stored in memory
Input and output of 'whos' command

>>figure, imhist(I)    % To display histogram of I in the new figure

Histogram equilization

>>I2 = histeq(I)      %Equalize I and output in new array

>>figure, imshow(I2)    %Display the new equalized image I2.

Equilized   'pout2.png'

>>imwrite(I2, 'pout2.png')      % To write the newly adjusted image I2 back to disk.

>>imfinfo(‘pout2.png’)     % To check the content of newly written file

Check info

Next, we also learn on how to edit image
This command shows original image

>> x = imread ('obama.png');
>> figure,  imshow (x)

The original image

This command functions to convert original image to be gray scaled:
>> x_g = rgb2gray(x);
>> figure, imshow (x_g)

The image has been converted to gray scale

This command allow cropping image:-
>> imshow (x_g' imcrop);

This command function will flip the image:

>> figure(1); image(x)
x(:, :, 1) = fliplr (x(:, :, 1));
x(:, :, 2) = fliplr (x(:, :, 2)); 
x(:, :, 3) = fliplr (x(:, :, 3)); 
figure(2); image(x)

The flipped image

Commands function below will show how an image being flipped vertically and horizontally

>> xMirror = flipdim(x,2);             % horizontal flip
>>  xUpsideDown = flipdim(x,1);  % vertical flip
>> xHorizontalAndVerticalFlip = flipdim (xUpsideDown, 2);  % horizontal and vertical flip

>> subplot(2,2,1), imshow(x)
>> subplot(2,2,2), imshow(xMirror)
>> subplot(2,2,3), imshow(xUpsideDown)
>> subplot(2,2,4), imshow(xHorizontalAndVerticalFlip)

Flipped image in both vertical and horizontal

Image info by using command function >> iminfo(x)

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