Tuesday 28 February 2012


In our first lab, we have been exposed about image processing and pattern recognition basis. Dr. Hidayah explained about features which is an attribute in image processing. Based on our understanding, image processing is the process of defining input image into specific output. Maria Petrou in her book, Image Processing: The Fundamentals, image processing nowadays refers mainly to the processing of digital images.

source: google image

Then, we have to solve a task in details which  questioned about:

  • How camera works.
  • Camera vs eyes.

That task have been submitted to petunjuk76@gmail.com.

Thank you.


Assalamualaikum and Salam 1 Malaysia. First of all, we would like to thanks to our beloved lecturer, Dr. Hidayah binti Rahmalan who gave us an opportunity to create this blog. The main purpose of this blog is to fullfil the lab requirement for 'Image Processing and Pattern Recognition' subject. 

This blog will be monitored by our group members who are:

1. Nurbalqis binti Yusoff                  B030910016       3 BITI
2. Raihan binti Mohamed Isa           B030910158       3 BITI

Thank you.
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